
FuturCrop advises you on the right time to carry out pest treatments

Try it for free

Reduce costs

37% of crop losses result from late treatments.

The use of FuturCrop reduces the consumption of phytosanitary products by more than 37%, and 80% in the consumption of biopesticides.

Environmental sustainability

Reduced use of chemical insecticide

Less chemical residues in fruits and vegetables

Risk reduction

Constant monitoring of the pest development


Reports of catches and treatments that allow annual comparisons of incidences and results.

Less uncertainty, because it reduces the risk of crop losses from pests attacks

A 10 days prediction of the pest development
Warns monitoring moment, for an specific pest and its specific stage
Allows to plann efficient treatments

Predicts a possible a pest attack risk, before detecting its damage

FuturCrop it´s your own pest warning system, with real-time status of pests and diseases in your fields

Receive in your email risk warnings and information on the biological development of pests

Reduce costs

FuturCrop will allow you to carry out fewer but more efficient treatments, exactly when pests are more vulnerable to them (the larval stages of the first generations)

The treatment time (using chemical insecticides or biological control)

Information when pests are in a specific larval instar, the moment of oviposition, peak of adults, etc.

Carry out treatments only when necessary

The repeated and indiscriminate use of pesticides favors the development of resistance to insecticides, thus them cease to have effect.

Smart Agriculture

FuturCrop is the new technology for pest control decision-making

Reduce costs

FuturCrop will allow you to carry out fewer but more efficient treatments, exactly when pests are more vulnerable to them (the larval stages of the first generations)

Register of sampling and treatments

Program records are an objective justification of chemical treatments, when and why they were carried out.

Records and reports always updated and available

Available from any device with Internet connection

Documentary justification of performed treatments

The registration of the pest development and catches, justify the treatments carried out


Automatically controls the development of more than 179 pests anywhere in the world

Field in Murcia
Tomato - Liryomiza sativae

Start of egg laying, start of eggs hatching, larvae (3rd and 5th instar), first pupae, adult emergence on the soil.

Field in Santa Cruz - Bolivia
Wheat - Oulema melanouss

Pupae, adults, eggs, larvae.

No need to install sensors or weather estacions

FuturCrop daily register the rquired data for their calculations.

Correctly identify the pest

Through the email warnings, the software facilitates the identification of the pest (including invasive pests).


All information available from anywhere in the world using a tablet, PC or smartphone with internet access


FuturCrop calculates the dates of the pest future development 10 days in advance, allowing planification of sampling and treatment.

Only pay for what you need

50 EUR


by crop

Warning emails
All pests that attack each specific crop
Historical data since 2016
Register of catches and treatments through the smartphone is just a matter of minutes
Access from any device (smartphone, tablet, desktop)
30% Discount

32.5 EUR


by crop

Warning emails
All pests that attack each specific crop
Historical data since 2016
Register of catches and treatments through the smartphone is just a matter of minutes
Access from any device (smartphone, tablet, desktop)

Buy now